Monsieur Ewen FERGUSSON (1932/2017) Mme Jacques SERRE, le 24/04/2017

Mr et Mme SERRE Jacques et leurs fils Jean-Didier(La Casa des Pâtes Fraiches)
vous présente leurs plus sincères condoléances. De tout cœurs avec vous.

M. Kieran Prendergast, le 26/04/2017

Joan and I were very sad indeed to read of Ewen's death. He was a great colleague and boss - one of the last of the old style ambassadors who knew how to register a presence. I will never forget him.

Deepest condolences to Sara and the family.


M. Nicholas Bradshaw, le 26/04/2017

My sincere condoleances to Lady Sara and all of Ewen's family.
I was a contemporary of Ewen's late younger brother, Donald, at Rugby. Ewen was at school with my elder brothers Haydon & Richard.
Ewen was a most generous person in all senses of the word. Like his father he was a great man, and he was a very great son of Rugby. It was a pleasure and a privilege to have known him.
God speed.

Nicholas Bradshaw